As the EMS profession has evolved, so too have the capabilities of EMS personnel. This includes the need to respond across state lines in both day-to-day duties, in non-Governor level declared disaster situations and planned large scale events (staffing concerts and races or federal agencies dispatching personnel to support details). This has generated a renewed discussion on the importance of establishing a universal mechanism to assure a legal, practical, and consistent pathway for EMS personnel to have privileges to practice extended across state lines.

An interstate compact, REPLICA, has been developed as that mechanism. State borders should not serve as barriers to patient access, present burdensome processes for state-by-state licensure and change the level of protection afforded to the public. This Compact also includes an expedited process for members of the military and their spouses separating from active duty. REPLICA will host a Coordinated Database, allowing for states to access and rapidly share EMS personnel licensure information, and thus achieve a new level of accountability within the EMS profession.

Interstate compacts are contracts between two or more states creating an agreement on a policy issue, a problem, adopting a particular standard or cooperating on regional or national matters. Compacts are the powerful, time-tested, durable and adaptive tools for bringing about cooperative action among states. Unlike federally imposed mandates that are often unfunded and with rigid requirements. Interstate compacts provide a state-developed solution for collaborative action, while building consensus among states and federal partners.

Compacts are managed by a “joint public agency”, the Commission. Each state that joins REPLICA has one seat on the Commission and one vote per issue/matter. The United States Constitution, (Art. 1, Sec. 10, Clause 3 ) allows for and recognizes this Compact and its governing body as means by which states can jointly address common problems in need of a solution. The Commission will create bylaws, promulgate rules, and develop policies and procedures of which the scope is narrowed to Compact related. This rule writing does not interfere with other state EMS laws and rules and is conducted like any other body writing rules. All meetings, materials and proceedings are public. Each state that passes RELPLICA after the first ten will have a seat on the Commission and participate readily in all proceedings.

More About Interstate Compacts